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After the First Week in Seminary

I had started noticing this past weekend that my enthusiasm at being here at the seminary was waning a bit. That bothered me. I was afraid that the dream was already fading. Today as we toured the chapel, our leader, Pr. Jordon noticed that something wasn’t quite right so we had a little chat.

I think a lot has to do with having to give or throw away so many things that had strong memories attached. And squeezing what is left into this little room is no picnic either. But it’s mostly the loss of the tangible remnants of memories that troubles me.

LTSP Entrance Essay

Family Background and Significant Events

The lack of religious focus in my family of origin and my gender identity issues would often predict one's rejection of God, yet I consistently found myself being drawn back to the church.

From an early age I sensed that I was different from other kids. At an age when girls were supposed to be "icky" and had "cooties," I was far more comfortable with girls than boys. Being transgender pitted me against all the authority figures in my life, especially my parents.

Being born into a military family, we moved a lot. Church never seemed to be a priority in our family, except to me. When we moved to South Carolina, there was a church halfway down the block. I wasn't aware of differences in denominations when I entered the Southern Baptist church on my own. I was so proud when I earned my nine month perfect attendance pin for Sunday School.

Promise and Law

This is my paper for my first seminary class, "New Testament Foundations" at Andover Newton Theological School.

Passage: Galatians 3:15-29


It is not uncommon for Christians to turn to the Law (Torah) when they disagree with someone's actions or lifestyle. Paul reminds us of the promise made in God's covenant with Abraham and declares that the coming of the Mosaic Law did not modify that covenant. Paul shows that the Law is inferior to, and not a substitute for, the promise, but reveals sin and leads to Christ. He then declares that Christ's death frees us from the Law and its works, making all equal in the promise. In doing this, Paul declares that mature Christians should not be using the Law as a club to normalize behavior.

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